The quality of education has always been a key concern and driver to the government’s policies in Sikkim. All the government schools are affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Examinations (CBSE) board with English as the medium of instruction. The District Collector, Mr Karma Bonpo of West Sikkim, was impressed with the presentation given by Ms Neeti Nagarkar and decided to implement Jolly Phonics in all the schools in Geyzing & Soreng districts. The training was conducted in November 2021 by Neeti Nagarkar, Preeti Lodaya, Jasmeet Arora, Anagha Bahulikar and Nikita Kashyap. 412 teachers from 228 schools together with 10 Block Officials received Jolly Phonics training. The Additional District Collector, Mr Rohan Agawane, graced the inaugural event with a motivational speech for the teachers. The Joint Director and the Assistant Direstor (Department of Primary Education) were also present throughout the training sessions. In a short span of 4 months the children have shown a remarkable progress in their reading abilities.

Witnessing this progress the District Collector, Mr Bharani Kumar of South Sikkim, called for a meeting in April 2022 with Ms Neeti and requested a rollout in the South Sikkim districts. 409 teachers from Namchi, Ravangla and Yangang were trained in May 2022. Mr Bharani Kumar was present for the inaugural event and addressed the participating teachers about the generous donations from Jolly Futures and how useful the methodology would be for young learners. He was accompanied by the Chief Education Officer (Primary Education) and the Joint Director (Primary Education). The classroom implementation has just begun and regular monitoring and mentoring of the teachers will continue to strengthen the impact. This recent district adoption project has benefited a further 218 schools.
Thank you, Jolly Futures, for supporting these projects and to the Government of Sikkim for their commitment to raising literacy levels with Jolly Phonics.