The dedicated Director of Education for Oshana region, Madam Hileni Amukana, found a way to ensure progression from the strong foundation of Jolly Phonics, by arranging for 300 grade 2 and 3 teachers to be trained in Jolly Grammar level 1 and 2. The four day training event was a great success. Experienced trainers Liz de Gouveia and Valma Adams from South Africa joined Sian Summers Issa, from Kenya, to train these junior primary teachers in the multi sensory Jolly Grammar programme. The teachers were actively engaged in all the games and activities which make the grammar programme informative and fun! The team were delighted to have key stakeholders from the Ministry of Education, the National Institute for Educational Development (NIED) and Professional and Quality Assurance (PQA) who also participated actively and recommend the use of both Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar across all primary schools in Namibia. The last cohorts of Jolly Grammar training also included Senior Education Officials from the majority of the 14 regions. These committed members were keen to gain a greater understanding of the Jolly Programmes in advance of the national advocacy event.

Following the completion of the Jolly Grammar training, Oshana region opened their doors and hosted the national Jolly Phonics Advocacy event on Friday 19th November 2021. It was a spectacular day with excellent attendance from most regions across the country and key stakeholders from the MoE. Sian Summers Issa, Jolly Phonics and Grammar trainer and the Jolly Futures Project Coordinator took the participants on a journey through the history of Jolly Phonics in Namibia, a Jolly Phonics sensitisation session and concluded with key information to enable the regions to prepare for the Jolly Phonics national rollout in 2022. During this wonderful event motivating testimonials were given by the Director Hileni Amukana and her outstanding team in Oshana, Alexia Zauana (Namibian Jolly Phonics trainer) and Valma Adams. Video messages from Dr Chris Jolly, Mary Green and Dame Jenny Shipley added a personal touch to the presentation and the story of Jolly Phonics in Namibia . A wonderful presentation was made by Okatana Primary School where Jolly Phonics Grade 1 teacher Elina Uutoni and her very capable grade 1 learners showcased a Jolly Phonics lesson. Principal Johanna Shikulunde gave a motivational account of the impact of Jolly Phonics in her school followed by a powerful testimony from Theresia N Shilongo from Niitembu Primary School.
The dedication and commitment of everyone, past and present, involved in this journey has paved the way for a successful implementation of Jolly Phonics in all primary schools in Namibia in 2022. Special thanks to Dr Chris Jolly for his on-going support and donations of materials to ensure every grade 1 child in Namibia will be given the gift of literacy.
Media coverage from NBC News can be viewed here https://fb.watch/9uarV6I6mc/