Our amazing country manager, Kemi Oladapo-Tonde, and her team of inspiring Jolly Phonics trainers, have today successfully completed Jolly Phonics training for 1,143 Primary 1 teachers in the Kambia and Moyamba districts of Sierra Leone. The training, initially proposed to take place in August 2020, was postponed to February 2021 as a result of COVID-19. Taking advantage of the Jolly Futures offer, extensive donations of Jolly Phonics materials and training costs were made by Jolly Learning.

The Jolly Phonics training was organised for all primary one teachers, their head teachers, and the education officials in the two districts. The purpose of the training was to enable participants to effectively teach Jolly Phonics to pupils in all the primary one classes in all the schools in the districts. It is expected that this will trigger enhanced teaching of basic reading by teachers, resulting in fast-tracked reading achievement by the pupils.
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