Assam - India

Following the successful pilot, Jolly Phonics has been rolled out in six districts in Assam.

A Jolly Phonics pilot, in association with the Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA), was conducted in Assam in August 2022 . Official Jolly Phonics trainer Komal Goenka delivered two days of Jolly Phonics training to 14 Grade 1 teachers from the 6 pilot schools on the 1st and 2nd of August 2022. The piloted completed in April 2023 and approval was given soon after for a 2 district rollout in August 2023.

Districts in Assam 24

Jolly Phonics has been rolled out in Guwahati Rural, Guwahati Metro , Jorhat, Dibrugarh , Dhemaji and Majuli districts

Pilot phase
Rollout phase
Sustainability phase

Project Media

Project Reports

Assam District Rollout Report August 2023 and January 2024 (2) (1).pdf

Project Contact

Komal Goenka

Komal Goenka

Jolly Phonics Professional Trainer, Founder of Phonic World

Projects: Assam +91 9820868131

Project Partners

Phonic world logo
Ms. Komal Goenka is the founder of Phonic World, a learning centre that aims at improving children’s life through the power of quality education. Komal is a certified Jolly Phonics and Grammar Trainer, as well as certified Storyteller from Kathalaya, Academy of Storytelling, which is affiliated to the International Storytelling Centre. She is also a life long member of Early Childhood Association, a forum to connect those working with young people to advocate, discuss, learn, share and bring about change in the quality of care, development and learning in early education across India.